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The current business environment
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The current business environment is worrying worldwide.
The question on most business minded people is: how long is this going to last and after the storm, 'who' going to be left standing and 'who' is going to sink? AIG in the USA has been bailed out by the state at a cost of $ 85 billion! Who is going to bail out the worlds' businesses as most face imminent closure?
What about Kenya? What are the ripple effects of this global crisis? Safaricom, the most profitable company in East and Central Africa is not doing well at all at the NSE. Its share price has plummeted below the IPO price of Ksh. 5.00 per share. Retail investors (and I believe some fund managers) are scampering for safety as soon and as fast as they can. The reasoning being that it is better to make a 10% loss rather than wait and make 70% or more loss.
Business people are a worried lot.
Going south, the Africa economic powerhouse, South Africa is in turmoil. The president, Mr. Thabo Mbeki has been ousted from the seat of power - he has obliged quite state manly unexpected in some countries in Africa. Worse off, he might take the highly respected Finance Minister, Trevor Manuel with him as well as the VP. This leaves Africa in a very challenging business environment.
Couple this with running inflation hovering at around 30% in Kenya. Kenyans can't afford to save nor afford to invest anything. In any case they are liquidating any assets that they had to meet short term cash requirements.
What a bleak future it looks like.
However, hold on buddies, the sun might start shining soon!
In the current Kenya setup, there are a number of companies that are aspiring to get coveted international certifications like ISO for quality management systems, environmental or security requirements compliance, etc. but how many are actually striving to improve their service offerings to their customers? Few. Many just want to flaunt them to their competitors and prospective customers but not on improvement of their service delivery. Take the example of some public universities (I think almost all of them). They have ISO 9001:2008 certification. But how many lecturers and administrators in these universities appreciate that students are their most important customers? Very few. This is precisely the reason why you will have an ISO certified university that does not have a clear policy (or is it direction?) of where admission forms should be ‘deposited’ or returned to! I had a nasty experience the other day where I had to shuttle between two university campuses trying to con...
How does God fit into the equation in a techies' daily life? From experience and observation, most techies relegate God to the back seat as they take the front seat of their lives. But is this the ideal scenario? Definitely not. I ask myself questions like: how the sun rise, passes overhead ( without falling on me!), goes 'under' and in the morning I expect it to be up, lighting my room - just to inform me that it is morning wake, that is if I'm not up! These things and many others, I have no answers and no scientist is yet to convince me that this is physics at play! If not God at play, then surely there is another mighty force somewhere out there 'pulling strings' on our lives. I will be very interested to know who or what controls the 'mighty force'.. The force of gravity is our creation with the help of mathematicians and physicists. But who created the force of gravity before 'it was discovered'? What remaining to be discovered yet? The ot...
I attended the Computer Society of Kenya (CSK) organized Annual ICT Awards Ceremony for the year 2011 and was disappointed in most areas. Starting from getting information about the awards ceremony: information about the event even from the CSK website were scanty. Just check the CSK website at and you will be deeply disappointed at the usability level of the website! Honestly, I believe a college student who has done some website design and usability analysis requirements for websites can do so much better. The site is not navigable in the first place nor is it informative, it is cluttered with adverts on key areas right on the home page. Secondly, publicity for the event was not adequate. In this age where technology is driving what is happening in the world, such an event not being advertised even on social media (for heaven's sake this is free) is rather disappointing. I've not checked but I wonder whether CSK is on any social media platform; ...